CDM 2015: Pre-Construction Information

CDM 2015 Pre-Construction Info: Contractor’s Hazard Information

The clients with whom we have been working for some time will be no strangers to the fact we advocate great importance to having good hazard information available by property and building. The changes to CDM 2015 now state this must be provided and it should be specific to the work being undertaken. We are working with everyone to improve the standard of this information and make it more accessible and easier to use where we advise clients.P1110405 small

Going forward it will be absolutely critical those in control of property obtain previous H&S files, O&M manuals, contaminated land searches, condition surveys and the like when property is bought, and pass this on when property is sold. Property Managers should ensure they know where this information is, look after it, and make it available to use in an accessible format so anyone undertake specific work can take out exactly what they need.

CDM 2015 guidance suggests creating a client brief for contractors, and providing the pre-construction information within this. This should be easily obtainable information or information which can be ascertained by survey.

The client brief may typically include:

  • Contact information by property including details of the responsible person
  • Signing in – where should contractors sign in? Particularly relevant for larger sites with multiple access or schools.
  • Induction – what are the arrangements/expectations for on-site induction including information on emergency arrangements
  • If the property is unmanned (including out of hours), how will the contractor gain access
  • Key controls – from whom are keys obtained?
  • Times work is allowed. If there are residential properties nearby, or it is a sensitive area, outline any site specific arrangements
  • Access/egress (External) Information on parking / approach to the building. If there could be any difficulties with van’s or delivery vehicles, provide this information
  • Asbestos. Location of register onsite and overview of position. Provide a copy of the most recent management survey and last re-inspection survey. If the property contains no asbestos, provide this information also. Remember, some work may require a more detailed refurbishment/demolition survey. If the asbestos management survey is more than 5 years old and the re-inspection survey has not been undertaken in the last year allow for additional survey time/resources
  • Location of any other hazards such as lead paint, or fragile structures such as skylights, un-boarded roof spaces or fragile roof surfaces
  • Emergency shut off for electricity, water and for gas  – pictures / locations
  • Unsafe structures e.g. derelict buildings or known unstable structures
  • Welfare facilities. Contractors have to be provided with information on which facilities they can use and clients are responsible for this. CDM 2015 Requirements state the following –
    1. Clean, well lit and ventilated toilets be provided
    2. Washing facilities with hot & cold or warm running water be available and workers should have large enough area to wash the arms, face and forearms
    3. Workers must have access to a location where they can take a break, boil a kettle, have access to drinking water, and eat away from their work location
  • Location of O&M manuals – if these are available in an electronic format, ensure contractors can access the information when they are planning their work
  • Location of any previous H&S Files – if these are available in an electronic format, make them readily available. A previous H&S file should contain information on how the property was built, foundations installed and the sequence of work so it can be reverse engineered to assure safe demolition.
  • Location of services plans, especially underground services – if there is a substation onsite, show this on any site plans. There should be no reason for contractors to accidentally come into contact with cables, gas or water supplies. Extra time must be provided before work starts on site if this information is not available
  • Known soil conditions – undertake testing if deep excavations are envisaged
  • Information regarding the last satisfactory fixed wiring check to confirm electrical installation is in a sound condition
  • Roof access / work at height arrangements / precautions – provide information on roof access, potential hazards and equipment already installed for safety e.g. edge protection, anchor points etc. Potential roof hazards, for example –
    1. Unprotected roof skylights or roof lights that are secure
    2. limited edge protection
    3. slippery surfaces
    4. Limited edge protection
  • Difficult access locations (internally) i.e. parts of plant or access that are challenging to reach – these should be fixed long term
  • Low Light areas – could be locations where additional temporary lighting is required
  • Lone working – are there any specific requirements for working in remote areas of the site? e.g. CCTV, security patrol and / or radio contact
  • Overhead electrical cables – if there are any near the site take pictures. Relevant if lifting is required.
  • Permanent Slips, trip and fall hazards
  • Location of confined spaces  – areas within the building with limited / no obvious ventilation where risk of fume or explosive atmosphere e.g. basement tank rooms, deep drains
  • Location of accident book / First aid on site
  • Risk of Physical Assault e.g. in less desirable locations
  • Location of Smoking area, or site rules on smoking
  • Spillages and location of spill kits. Are there any areas where the potential for pollution could be especially sensitive e.g. drains near fuel delivery points that will need to be covered (take picture)
  • Waste arrangements. Location of any hazardous waste storage, location of non-hazardous waste storage and recycling requirements.
  • Contaminated Land. If this info is available please provide

In addition, all clients should now have their own site rules which specify expected conduct and how information for the Health & Safety file is to be provided.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the new CDM 2015 regulations. We can help with your specific arrangements.